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Blog > July 2019 > Coaching Zone member Amanda Greaves becomes stronger, happier and $7,000 richer in 6-week Challenge

Coaching Zone member Amanda Greaves becomes stronger, happier and $7,000 richer in 6-week Challenge

Amanda Greaves was in a rut. She’d been exercising on her own for some time, trying to become stronger and sleep better. But she felt like she was going around in circles, doing the same thing. With the effort outweighing the benefits, Amanda was struggling to motivate herself to continue. Amanda knew she had to make a change, so she signed up for the Coaching Zone 6-week Challenge.
Coaching Zone, a nation-wide group personal training studio runs its 6-week Challenge four times a year; with each challenge giving Coaching Zone members the opportunity to change their lives through six weeks of unlimited group personal training, personalised nutrition plans, goal setting and coaching. And, as an added benefit, there’s a national $7,000 cash prize drawn at the end of the 6-week Challenge, with one Coaching Zone member selected as the winner.
On signing up for the 6-week Challenge Amanda was somewhat apprehensive about ‘feeling out of place’. She’d never trained in a group environment before. This worry was quickly put aside with Coaching Zone coaches making Amanda feel comfortable and empowered. “The attention and support I was given during the Coaching Zone 6-week Challenge encouraged and motivated me to give each session my absolute best. Before the challenge started, I struggled to do a push up or a box jump, now I’m doing both,” says Amanda. “Coaching Zone and its 6-week Challenge have changed my life. I’m stronger. I’ve toned up. I sleep better than ever before and I’m happier.”
Amanda also credits her success in the 6-week Challenge to Coaching Zone sessions being tailored to individual fitness levels, and the Coaching Zone community. “Training in a group environment like Coaching Zone is so motivating. Everyone is so encouraging of one another,” says Amanda. “Coaching Zone has the right mix: fun, motivation and challenge.” 
Amanda finished the Coaching Zone 6-week Challenge stronger, happier and $7,000 richer. She was selected at random as the winner of the national $7,000 cash prize. How will she spend the prize? On a well-deserved holiday.
For those wanting to make change in their lives, the Coaching Zone 6-week Challenge returns 12 August. Commit to change and register today.