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Blog > September 2019 > Tips to keep you focused

Tips to keep you focused

When you're so close to reaching your goals, making some small yet effective changes is sometimes all you need to help stay committed. In this post we share our recommended training and nutrition tweaks.

Tips to train smarter not harder
By now you’ll be noticing that you can do a lot more than when you started. You are stronger. Fitter. Faster. Healthier! To continue your upward progression, pair these new-found abilities with these four tips.

1. Review your goals
Take a moment to look back at where you started and what you’ve accomplished so far. With two weeks left, now is your opportunity to make this an amazing challenge. What else do you want to achieve? Set yourself some SMART goals to help you stay committed now and into the future. Make your goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely!    
2. Set new standards
It’s time to step it up. That weight you’ve been using for the last four weeks, bump it up a little. Have you been working at 81 per cent for your yellow zone? It’s time to aim for 88 per cent and maintain it. Set yourself new standards and stick to them. Push yourself a little harder, put in the effort and see the results!
3. Be honest and accountable
Make yourself accountable to your goals by sharing them with those around you, including your coach. Ask them to support you and keep you in line. Everyone needs a team, that’s why we love Coaching Zone - it comes with a personal cheer squad!
4. Don’t punish yourself
If you miss an opportunity to make a healthier decision, don’t panic, don’t punish yourself and don’t give up. Reset, refocus and recommit to yourself and your goals. You can do it!
Tips to check your nutrition
When it comes to hitting your health and fitness goals, we know that what we eat and drink each week is just as important as the sessions we complete. To stay on track, give your nutrition a once-over with these three tips.
1. Drink more water
We know how important water is for the body. This is your friendly reminder to drink one more glass each day, and be sure to have a glass before a meal or after training to aid recovery.
2. Keep snacking in check
If you have a young family it’s very easy to snack on the kid’s leftovers when you’re busy or hungry. Instead, try making yourself lunch when you make theirs and have snacks prepared in advance to help you avoid eating for the sake of cleaning off their plates.
3. Less alcohol
Can you do a week without? Reducing your intake by even one drink will help you stay on track towards your goals.